Monday, March 9, 2009

i waste all of my free time wasting my free time

what an exciting time of my life. so many possibilities.

venturing out into the unknown.

everyone says that college is where you really find out who you are and what kind of person you want to be. i agree with that to a certain extent.

lets say 85% extent.

but most grads would agree with me when i say college was the farthest thing from the real world. in fact, it's left me emotionally fragile and ill-prepared for it. surprise surprise. it's fine though, it's sort of important that it is that way so that we can find out who we really are.

but i think another step to finding out who you really are, is when your violently ripped out of what you've become accustomed to, and seeing how you react to that.

i'm tired all of the time. i don't want to go places a lot of times because i wont be able to make it home in time for when i want to go to bed... which is early. so here is the stress test. the most awesomest stuff i want to do isn't as easy to do as it used to be... what do i do now?

surprisingly a lot. this past weekend i was in a short form improv show. it was actually a really great time. a woman who directs the group needed an extra improvisor, and i was suggested to her.

i promise, my life isn't always this exciting. but it was a really great time and i'm glad i got the opportunity to do it.

but that was sort of thrown in my lap... literally. my facebook status read "tony misses improv" and 3 days later i was being asked to be in an show with people i didn't know... thats a gimme.

believe it or not, i'm actually less busy than i was when i was in college. but the difference is that while i'm busy now, all i can think about is what i'm going to do when i'm free. when i was busy in college, a lot of the time i was busy with doing things that brought me joy. now i think and i make all these sorts of plans.

i'll write sketch.
do a blog entry (loser)
study lines (i was asked to be in a play that is half way through its rehearsal process by a friend who knows i have a job and works around me... come one ungrateful tony)
meet a friend i haven't seen since high school

tonight i spent about an hour watching youtube clips of boy meets world...

oh my god... i keep watching the links i'm posting... see what i mean? i can't even waste time effectively.

topanga, stop freaking out.

i guess i just need to relax. there's a lot of time, and all in all i really am excited about things i can do. i love improv and i'm finding ways to do it. so far, my creative urges are finding outlets and thats good... so i guess it's ok that i waste my time a little bit.

oh shit. it's 10:30. i should go to bed.

i promise my next entry wont be as dumb.

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