oh hi.
i won't apologize for not having updated in a while, i won't do it. first of all i don't think what i write is all too excellent. but also it means that sweet things started to happen and i had less time to express myself here.
so for the past year i've been living with my girlfriend. i was asked how it was from a good friend i hadn't spent a significant amount of time with in a few years and it was interesting to explain it all compressed. about a year ago we moved in together, sort of nervous, a bunch of unanswered questions, but also a lot of excitement. about a year later she's getting ready to go to law school, were till sort of nervous, there's fewer unanswered questions but they're still significant, and theres excitement but a different kind.
it's been great though. i'm glad we did it. but now something else is gonna happen and that's cool too.
oh and i got a dog...
i went to guatemala a few weeks ago, and started planning that vacation just a few weeks before that. it sort of sounds silly but the trip really livened up my life. not that it was such an epic mind altering vacation, but just being able to impulsively plan it and have it actually work out was so refreshing. i like my life (to the max) but there
wearing black in a tropical rainforest is sweet.
so now i'm back and i've reached that "holy crap the summer is half over" part of the year. this is when everyones plans that they haven't made concrete all season sort of start to get forced into fruition. and also the part of the summer where you go "shit i don't have a free weekend left until september... how am i gonna fit in that trip to the cape?"
newsflash... you're not.
newsflash 2.0... futurama is back on tv! this fact is worth an entire blog entry itself.
however it's on in 5 minutes and all i would write is YES! over and over again.
thank you for paying attention to me and i will try my darndest to keep up with this trashy garbage.
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