Saturday, February 28, 2009

why are you here?

hello everyone. this is my blog.

having no clue or understanding of how blogs work, i have already spent a half hour on this sentence. heres to good things to come!

ok so inspired by some other close friends who are currently writing, i've decided to try this whole thing out. the only problem is, for the first thing in my life i don't have something to blab on about.

how the hell do you start a blog without sounding like you think what you have to say actually matters.

just to clear things up, what you're currently reading doesn't matter.

you have my permission to move on to bigger and better things... such as

so now i'm trying to figure out how the hell to write a decent introduction.
well i've decided to culminate the past 9 some odd months of my post-graduate life, and give you a sort of summed up report on where i'm currently at.
doing this was much easier than i expected.

it's too soon to get a puppy.

this is the most painful realization i've come to since leaving college... but perhaps i could explain better. here are the things i have had to think about in the past 9 or so months.
where am i going to work?
should i get a car?
where do i want to live?
when do i want to move out?
omg i have to budget.
when am i going to get to see my girlfriend?
now that i have a job, do i finally have to buy my girlfriend a real christmas gift?
what do i have to do to not lose touch with close friends?
how do i get used to not being constantly surrounded by my friends?
how do i get used to being constantly surrounded by my family?
what sacrifices do i need to make in order to continue pursuing the things that i love.

what if i get fat?

this is all i could think of off the top of my head. and at first glance, almost all of your problems go away when you add a puppy to the mix. take these for example.

if thats not enough to convince you... this will.


so im 22, i live at home, and have no puppies. however... this is only sort of a half truth. i do have two little poodles which are my moms. they're definitely not puppies any more, but they are more than effective substitutes.

but the fact of the matter is that i can't just puppy away my problems.

it's not healthy.

not to mention that adding a living breathing creature that i need to care for to my life would seriously fuck me. in my butt.

everybody deals with this next stage of life, and there are better ways of coping with the crippling loss of a social life that graduation really is than irrationally buying a puppy. i've really learned that now, in order to do the things i really care about, and see the people i really love, i actually have to work at it and go out of my way...which i believe is the way it's been done since forever. (i wonder if the ancient romans or aztecs got lonely and irrationally bought puppies)

the biggest obstacle is work. i would love to be in boston this weekend seeing and supporting some of my closest friends... but i just couldn't avoid the fact that i work saturdays. working in jersey also doesn't help. the point is to not get discouraged.

so here's my call to arms... for my friends.
laura marie this does not include you.

even if it's just lame ass dinner or coffee, i'll do everything i can to make our lives cross a little easier. it just might take a while to happen haha.

until then this is fine. there's plenty of worse things out there than living at home...

but at any rate... it's too soon to get a puppy.


  1. tony
    i am so glad you started a blog. this was stellar.
    we have similar life problems.
    and so there is one thing to do

  2. hi bony. i like your blog. made me smile. <3
